Industrial Plant 3D Laser Scanning
Managing an old industrial facility while ensuring safe and seamless operations could prove to be a challenging task. Many of the industrial compounds in the US are old and in need for a serious update. The process starts by performing a condition assessment of existing industrial assets. One of the best ways to perform condition assessment is to get a 3 dimensional survey of the assets using 3d laser scanning and panoramic 360 imagery. Reality IMT supports industrial facilities in generating 3D as-builts of their assets, and update the facility drawings based on existing conditions. This is done using state of the art high definition survey equipment, also known as 3D laser scanning or LiDAR.
Pumps, pipes, valves, nuts and bolts could all be captured using this technology then modeled in 3d CADWorx or Plant 3D. The result is an accurate 3 dimensional drawing of the asset along with isometrics to help the engineering team decide on how to best replace old assets with new ones.
While generating a 3D CAD as-built is important to any facility, verifying and updating P&ID is crucial. P&ID verification can be done simultaneously with the as-built generation, discrepancies are then identified and communicated to the plant engineering, inspection and maintenance teams ensure they are using the most up to date P&ID information. You can take this a step further and make the 3D CAD and PIDs intelligent by connecting them digitally. For example, image below shows a 3D model that is connected to the P&ID, when you click one of the pipes in the 3D model, it will show you where that pipe is located on the PID.
The team at Reality IMT can help you with the following:
- Capture as-is conditions of the existing plant, and deliver a virtual walk through of the entire site.
- Generate 3D CAD as-built and Integrate with P&ID’s for searching and locating major assets such as lines, equipment, control valves, etc.
- Develop accurate 3D piping circuits as needed by your inspection program including TML’s/CML’s locations
- Integrate with inspection data/readings with a link to PCMS
For more info on industry standards related to asset management, visit
For info on 3D laser scanning for industrial facilities, please contact us